Tuesday, February 17, 2009

You are so beautifull to me

There was this one time at Rendezvous camp were i got to make out with the most pertyest, good lookingest, sexyest woman I could find and wouldn't ya know it, she even likes camo. Love you Fawny!!!

Ya know what really pisses me off

Ya know what really piss me off. We'll last night I had pancakes, bacon and eggs. The boys thought it was great, we all sat there and chowed down on breakfast for dinner and then headed out to The Golden Spoon to get a little sompin sompin. And wouldn't ya know it as soon as I tasted one of the boys ice cream I didn't feel right so I went out side and puked a little bit. I went back inside and sat down only to get up and run out and puke my guts out right in front of a car. Think about it, your left hand is on the hood of the car your right hand is on your guts and a putrid stream of stuff is rocketing out of your mouth and there in the middle of your third and hopefully last heave the car started up and backed out and drives away. At this point, really what would you do.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

4 Truths in Life

1. You cannot touch all your top teeth with your tongue.

2. Everyone, after reading the first truth, will try it.

3. And discover that The first truth is a lie.

4. You're smiling now because YOU tried it.
I apologize about this. I'm an idiot and I needed some company...

My Homework

Then and Now

When i was growing up i actually used the fraze "my dog ate my homework", i didn't quite finish my homework that day so i thought if i just eat the bottom of it and claim my dog did it then i might just get a couple more days to get it done. it didn't work.

Last night after finishing my homework (AKA drawing with CHOCOLATE) after i was through with what i needed to do Fawn and i used the rest of the chocolate to draw on a plate we drew pictures and wrote dirty little notes to each other it was great fun. Then this mornin Gunner came into my bedroom to talk to me and he already had a dirty face. Now really, would you think anything about a dirty face when you first get up in the mornin, well neither did i. As i started cleaning my mess up that i made last night i noticed that there was somthin wrong with my home work. I never thought i would ever say "my son ate my homework" but hey there's a first for everything right. That's right Gunner went to town on the plate and had just started picking at my homework. What do you think my chef is going to say when i tell her "my son ate my homework". I just hope she doesn't laugh her head of.

Monday, February 2, 2009

My schools better than your school.

When I said I would never go back to school again I never thought of this. Did you know that you can pay out a butt-load of money and go to school to lean how to cook cool stuff. I started looking through my phone and realized that I had a couple of pics of things that I have made in the last month or two, and how fair would it be for me not to show you what I can make now. I just thought you might like to see what I can do.