Friday, September 25, 2009

Just trying to clean up.

well were still trying to clean up stuff. i have listed the bigger item for sale now and as the rest come alog i will list them. if you can please copy the link below and send it to anyone that might be interested. THANK YOU



So were sitting on the couch me in my spot and my love in her spot and she's eating ice cream (MMM ice cream sounds good) with the baby is on her lap. I think she's been teasing and taunting him with the ice cream, when all of the sudden out of the corner of my eye (and hear) the baby sneeze all over her ice cream. I would have pouted for a moment, then gotten up and thrown it away. BUT what did she do, just take a guess. I was appalled, sickened, I thought I was going to hurl. It was gross. She stirred it all together, told me he missed or something like that and proceeded to eat it, like I said bile rows to the roof of my mouth. So I’m sorry I haven’t written but I was just too grossed out.