(big lake 2010)
(big lake 2008)
(sherwood forest 2004)(white mountains 1996)
(green's peak 1994) (mt. graham 1988)
(big lake 1981)Growing up, we didn't go to disneyland or to the ocean, or places like that. we went camping and we loved it. we went for a week here, or a week there and always there was hunting. we would go with friends and family most of the time. it just made it funner to have others there to enjoy the fun with you. the thing is i was telling this to a guy at work and he told me he felt bad for me cause I didnt ever get to go on a real vacation. i thought to myself "WHAT THE CRAP" what does he know?! some of my most favorite memories come from times that i have spent in the mountains with my friends and family
I feel bad for you too........